Multi Radiance Medical Announces New MR4 DLS Hands Free Therapy System
For Immediate Release
August 19, 2013 – (SOLON, Ohio) – Multi Radiance Medical has announced the introduction of a new MR4 DLS Hands Free Therapy System and will feature the product at the 2013 Florida Chiropractic Association’s National Convention in Orlando, Fla., Aug. 23-25.
The new MR4 DLS Package combines Multi Radiance Medical’s flagship product, the MR4 console, with two 50 Watt LaserShower emitters and a Magna Cart Deluxe, which includes two flexible armatures with emitter holders.
The new system allows for unattended, hands-free treatments that save practitioners time and money. The MR4 LaserShower emitter is equipped with 4-6 905nm super pulsed laser diodes and provides treatment area coverage of 20 cm2, which is ideal for treating the spine and large muscle groups. The Magna Cart’s flexible armatures allow emitters to be secured in any position on a patient’s body so that the two emitters can be used to safely and effectively treat multiple points simultaneously.
The MR4 DLS Package is a great addition to the Multi Radiance Medical’s MR4 Super Pulsed Laser product line that is already trusted by industry leaders, chiropractic colleges world-wide, and more than 50 professional and elite amateur sports organizations.
Stop by Multi Radiance Medical, booth #317 at FCA for a demonstration of MR4 DLS and learn about its special introductory price.
About Multi Radiance Medical
Multi Radiance Medical located in Solon, Ohio is a leading medical device company that develops and manufactures FDA-cleared laser equipment using super pulsed laser technology, for the temporary relief of acute/chronic pain, muscle stiffness, arthritis, muscle spasms, and other conditions. Its LaserStim™ with TARGET technology is the first FDA-cleared device to combine laser light and electrical stimulation. Multi Radiance Medical has served rehabilitation, chiropractic, sport medicine and veterinary markets for 20 years and is in more than 30 countries.