What is fibromyalgia syndrome?
Fibromyalgia syndrome is defined by the American College of Rheumatology as chronic widespread pain and tenderness in specific tender points characterized by muscular tenderness, pain, fatigue, and cognitive difficulties.
Until now, the only treatments approved by the FDA for treating fibromyalgia are the antidepressants duloxetine (Cymbalta) and milnacipran (Savella), and the anti-seizure medicine pregabalin (Lyrica). But did you know that pharmaceutical interventions only work for about 10% of fibromyalgia patients while carrying the risk of several serious side effects like nausea, headaches, and increased suicidal thoughts?
The FibroLux is the first and only therapeutic laser to be cleared by the FDA for adjunctive use in providing temporary relief of pain associated with fibromyalgia.
In a clinical trial, the FibroLux Laser:
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Why FibroLux?
- First and Only FDA-Cleared Laser Therapy Device for Fibromyalgia
- Non-Invasive
- Drug-Free
- Fast Treatment Times
- Clinically Proven Effective
- Little-to-No Side Effects
- Reduces Pain to Allow for Exercise
- Patient Education Marketing Toolkit
Based on research studies, it is recommended to treat at least 2 days per week using the FibroLux in conjunction with an aerobic exercise program. As the patient’s condition improves, they may find it easier to exercise due to the overall reduction in pain.
- Medication
- Exercise
- Laser Therapy

How It Works
The FibroLux’s advanced software guides clinicians to the 18 fibromyalgia tender points on the body. After evaluation, patients will rate their pain at each tender point; most patients experience between 3-5 tender points at a time rated above a 3 on the pain scale.
To treat tender points, the doctor holds the FibroLux device up to each tender point and the pre-programmed protocol delivers pain-relieving laser therapy for the recommended 2-minute time period per tender point.
The average treatment time ranges from 6-10 minutes a session, depending on the severity of your patient’s case. Treatment is non-invasive, drug-free, and results can be felt immediately.